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托福写作热门话题高分词汇句式汇总整理 电影MOVIE主题语料一览

机构:朗阁教育 时间:2020-09-18 08:51:52 点击:382





托福写作热门话题高分词汇句式汇总整理 电影MOVIE主题语料一览



1. foreign movies or TV programs = movies or TV programs made in another country 外国的电影电视

2. home-made movies or TV programs 本国的电影电视

3. exert a far more profound influence on sb 对于…… 施加了更加深远的影响

4. I enjoy a fairly diverse range of films and TV programs 我喜欢看很多类型的电影和电视节目。

5. The movies and TV shows made in foreign countries can,to larger extent, intrigue my personal interest 外国的电影电视,更大程度上使我感兴趣。

6. arouse my sympathy 引起我的共鸣

7. Science fiction movies can stir my wild imagination and develop my vivid creativity 科幻电影可以激发我丰富想象力以及创造力。

8. bring me constant sense of refreshment 给我带来持久的新鲜感

9. deepen my insight into exotic cultures 加深对于异国文化的洞察

解析:exotic adj.异国情调的

10. When I watch a foreign movie or show, I can always be greatly attracted by its gripping plot,eye-catching heroes and unexpected ending 看外国的影视剧,我总是被其引人入胜的情节,帅气美丽的主角以及出人意料的结局所吸引。

11. Language is another reason why foreign movies and TV programs can be more fascinating than the counterpart made in one's own country. 语言是另外一个原因,为何外国电影比本国电影更加有吸引力。

12. The debate reminds me of An American classic movie, Titanic ……争议使得想起了经典的美国电影,泰坦尼克

13. Success only favors those who dare to give it a try, take risk, assume responsibilities and accept challenges 成功青睐哪些敢于尝试,敢于冒险,承担责任以及接受挑战的人。

14. The brave ended up wining honor and enjoying tremendous reputation故事的结局是,勇敢者最终获得荣誉以及声名远播

解析:end up doing sth 最终以 ……为结局

15. Many home-made movies fail to arouse my interest and impulse of watching 很多本国电影无法引起我观看的兴趣和冲动

解析:impulse n冲动

16. A good domestic movie or TV show might also be captivating. 本国制作的电影电视,也许也是有意思的。

解析:captivating 引起兴趣的;有魅力的

拓展:amusing = interesting 有意思的

拓展:fascinating =attractive 有吸引力的






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托福写作热门话题高分词汇句式汇总整理 旅行与手机主题语料分享

托福写作中因为词汇句式的问题而导致的得分偏低的情况不在少数。许多同学都会因为写不出漂亮地道的词汇句式而烦恼。为了帮助大家提升Language use方面的得分,下面小编就来分享一些写作高频话题旅行与手机的优质词汇句式,缺乏写作素材的同学赶紧来看。


1. Vacation is a time for relaxation 度假是为了放松。

2. People’s preferences differ greatly in determining whether or not it is advisable to take a cell phone when they take a few days off in some hot scenic spots. 在一些热门的旅游景区度假的时候,是否携带手机,人们的喜好差异很大。

解析:People’s preferences differ greatly in determining whether or not it is advisable to do sth 关于是否做……是明智的,人们的喜好不同。

3. As for me,the merits of taking a phone outweigh its possible demerits. 对于我而言,我认为携带手机的利大于弊。

解析:the merits of …… outweigh its possible demerits ……的利大于弊

4. Taking a cell phone can help us keep in touch with our family members and friends, especially in time of emergency. 携带手机可以帮助我们和家庭成员和朋友保持联系,尤其是在发生紧急情况的时候。

解析:in time of …… 在……的时候

5. When spending holiday, people usually choose to visit some unfamiliar cities or countries,if they take a cell phone, then ,they can deal with crisis easily 度假的时候,人们喜欢选择陌生的城市和国家,如果他们携带手机,那么,他们很容易危机处理。

解析:if …… then …… 如果…… 那么……

6. Taking a mobile phone is of great necessity for us because it is a good source of entertainment 携带手机对于我们是必要的,因为,手机是很好的娱乐的源泉。

解析:It is a good source of entertainment 这是娱乐的源泉。

7. While travelling, people may have to spend great amounts of time on taking various public transit, seeking hotels or booking tickets,in this sense,using the various cell phone APP softwares can be time-saving and trouble-saving. 度假的时候,人们需要花费大量的时间乘坐公共交通工具,选择酒店,预定机票,因此,使用手机的APP软件可以省时省力。

解析:take various public transit v 乘坐各种公共交通工具

8. The mighty entertainment function of the cell phone can be used as a good stress-reducer. 使用手机强大的娱乐功能,是一种很好的缓解压力的方式。

解析:…… is a good stress-reducer ……是很好的缓解压力的方式

9. Playing on-line games, listening to favorite music or watching humorous movies can an ideal way to relax our bodies and ease our minds.玩在线游戏,听我们喜爱的歌曲,看相关的幽默电影还是理想的方式放松身心。

解析:…… is an deal way to relax our bodies and ease our minds ……是很好的方式来放松我们的身心

10. Indeed,I have to concede that taking cell phones on vacation is never without its demerits 我不得不承认的是,度假时携带手机不是没有其弊端。

解析:is never without 远非没有……

11. Constant phone calls may ruin our holidays不断地接听手机也许会毁掉我们的假期。

解析:ruin our holidays v 毁掉我们假期

12. The purpose of spending holidays is to temporarily to take a rest from stressful and arduous work度假的目的是为了暂时地放下工作中的压力。

解析:stressful adj 压力大

解析:arduous adj 繁重的;费力的

13. It must be quite annoying if an emergent phone call requires us to end our hardly earned vacation. 如果旅行中突然收到公司的业务电话,需要自己结束旅行,也是令人苦恼的

解析:It must be quite annoying if …… 如果……一定是令人苦脑的

解析:hardly earned vacation n 来之不易的假期

14. However, the incidence of this situation is very small because those who are on vacations, in most cases,will perfectly handle their problems in advance.但是,我认为这种情况发生的机会是很小的,因为度假者通常会事先做好工作安排。

15. Overall,I am still convinced that it is wise to take cell phones during the vacation. 总之,度假的时候带着手机是有利好的。

解析:Overall,I am still convinced that …… 总之,我深信……

解析:it is wise to do sth 做……是明智的



