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机构:出国留学 时间:2020-09-27 16:03:47 点击:520












Listen to a conversation between a student and a professor.

Student: Hi, Professor, I was hoping to ask you a few questions about the class you’re teaching next semester—the course on Polish drama. I was thinking of taking it.

Professor: Well, that’s an upper division course. You don’t look familiar to me. Are you a student in this department?

Student: No, actually I am not.

Professor: Okay, have you had other classes in the Slavic languages department here or somewhere else?

Student: No, that’s the thing. I was just wondering how good my Polish would have to be, whether the class is taught in Polish or not.

Professor: Well, you’d have to have some knowledge of it. By that level, a lot of the students are quite fluent. Plus there are some native speakers in the department and we don’t plan for it to happen, but it’s pretty common for the discussions to kind of move in and out of English and Polish. And it can be difficult to follow, so how well do you speak Polish?

Student: Not so great. It’s just that my father is from there; so I am interested in learning about, you know, Polish history, Polish culture. Plus I am studying drama. I’ll probably major in it. I love plays, so I thought your course might be perfect.

Professor: To be honest with you, you have to realize we’ll be watching videos of performances and maybe if we can swing it, even watch a live performance and even those won’t necessarily be in translation. Also, texts are sometimes available in translation but even then, some references will be to the original. I’d hope you’d be fairly confident in reading.

Student: To be honest, it sounds totally over my head.

Professor: You know what? I believe that they’ll be offering a survey course on Polish literature. Let me check here. Yes, I thought it was being offered this time. Professor Geworski is teaching it. Let’s see. It covers the major works, you know, epic romantic poetry, the novels, and it does cover one or two plays.

Student: And this is in English?

Professor: Yes, you’ll be reading mostly English translations and the discussions will be in English.

Student: Novels and poetry…

Professor: They’ll provide you with a great historical context for the plays so when you do get to them, you’re going to really have a feel for the times they lived in, so to speak. Plus this course might also give you the impetus to learn more Polish. You know, get it to the level where you’ll be ready for it in the other class.

官方真题Official48托福听力Conversation 2题目+解析

1.What are the speakers mainly discussing?

A.Whether the student should specialize in English drama or in Polish literature

B.Whether the student should take an advanced course in Polish drama

C.Whether the student can learn about Polish history by taking courses in Polish literature

D.How the student can improve his Polish language skills




Student: Hi, Professor, I was hoping to ask you a few questions about the class you’re teaching next semester—the course on Polish drama. I was thinking of taking it.

Student: No, that’s the thing. I was just wondering how good my Polish would have to be, whether the class is taught in Polish or not.

解析:学生一直在说自己想上Polish drama的课程,来询问professor是否用polish授课,且想了解自己需要把Polish学到什么水平才可以上课。Literature是后面professor提供给学生建议时说到的,结合选项,只能选择B选项。

2.According to the professor, what will students do in her class? Click on 2 answers.

A.Perform scenes from Polish plays

B.Translate Polish texts into English

C.Use the Polish language in class discussions

D.Watch recorded performances of Polish plays


正确答案:C D


Professor: Well, you’d have to have some knowledge of it ... but it’s pretty common for the discussions to kind of move in and out of English and Polish…

Professor: To be honest with you, you have to realize we’ll be watching videos of performances and maybe if we can swing it, even watch a live performance and even those won’t necessarily be in translation. Also, texts are sometimes available in translation but even then, some references will be to the original. I’d hope you’d be fairly confident in reading.

解析:第一个定位信息后的but it’s pretty common for the discussion…的信息对应C选项;第二个定位信息对应D选项,注意professor说的是戏剧和表演的字母文本有时候有英文翻译,但是有一些参考文献的就是Polish原文的,和本身学生做翻译是两回事儿。

3.Why is the student interested in the professor’s class? Click on 2 answers.

A.He wants to learn about his family background.

B.He already has the language skills needed for the class.

C.The professor has a reputation as an expert on Poland.

D.The course is related to the student’s intended course of study.


正确答案:A D


Student: Not so great. It’s just that my father is from there; so I am interested in learning about, you know, Polish history, Polish culture. Plus I am studying drama. I’ll probably major in it. I love plays, so I thought your course might be perfect.

解析:学生提到自己的父亲来自波兰,应该是受到这样的影响,才会多想去了解Polish history之类的,提到的这一点结合选项,也只能选择A;另外学生在学习drama,也热爱戏剧,所以综上所述的两点选择Polish drama。

4.What does the professor think the student should do?

A.Take a Polish language course, then take a Polish drama class

B.Take a Polish language course, then take a survey of Polish literature

C.Take a Polish drama course and a literature course at the same time

D.Take a survey course in Polish literature before taking a Polish drama course


正确答案: D


Professor: You know what? I believe that they’ll be offering a survey course on Polish literature. Let me check here. Yes, I thought it was being offered this time. Professor Geworski is teaching it. Let’s see. It covers the major works, you know, epic romantic poetry, the novels, and it does cover one or two plays.

解析:professor之前跟学生讲了在上这个课程的时候,可能要求很强的阅读能力,然后学生说“it sounds totally over my head.”意思就是:听起来我可能hold不住,我晕头转向了。这时候professor来提出的建议a survey course,在后文还说道这个survey course是如何能够帮助到学生。

5.What does the professor imply when she says this:

A.Many of her students find it easier to read Polish than to speak it.

B.The student will probably enjoy the plays her class will read.

C.She is concerned that the student may not be able to read Polish.

D.The student will quickly gain confidence in his ability to read Polish.




Professor: To be honest with you, you have to realize we’ll be watching videos of performances and maybe if we can swing it, even watch a live performance and even those won’t necessarily be in translation. Also, texts are sometimes available in translation but even then, some references will be to the original. I’d hope you’d be fairly confident in reading.

Student: To be honest, it sounds totally over my head.

解析:professor如实向学生介绍了上Polish drama课程的时候一些课程内容,告知学生以他的情况参加这个课程,有可能最大的障碍是reading,所以她委婉地说:我真的希望你对自己的阅读能力非常有信心。言下之意,这门课对reading的要求还是比较高的,你觉得你能行吗?结合选项选择C。











Listen to a conversation between a student and a university employee at the campus employment office.

Employee: Hi, can I help you?

Student: I hope so. My name is Mark Whitman. I’m a…

Employee: Don’t I remember you from last year? You worked in the… Where was it, the art library?

Student: Yeah, you’re good. That was me. And I really enjoyed the work.

Employee: Great, Yeah, your supervisor gave us some really great feedback at the end of the year. “Oh, he’s so organized, always on time, and helpful.”

Student: Really? Oh, I’m glad. It was a good job.

Employee: But we usually try to match students’ jobs with their academic interests.

Student: Yeah, I’m not exactly sure what career I am headed for, but librarian is a possibility. It was a great experience to learn how it works and meet some people working in the field. But for this year, well, that’s what I want to ask about.

Employee: Oh. How come you waited so long to come in? You know how fast campus jobs fill up, if you had come in earlier, you probably would have gotten the library job again. I mean since you have the experience from last year, you don't need the training and all, but it’s been filled now.

Student: Yeah, I know, but I had planned to get a job working at a restaurant off-campus this year. I really need to make more money than I did last year and working as a waiter, there is always the tips. But I’ve tried a ton of places but I haven’t found anything. I know it’s really late. But, Well, I was wondering if maybe there was some job that hadn’t been taken or maybe someone started a job, and you know, had to drop it or something?

Employee: Well, I doubt you’ll find anything.

Student: Could you possibly check? I know it’s a long shot, but my friend Susan, she takes photography classes in Harrison Hall and she sort of thought there might be an opening in the janitorial staff.

Employee: Why does your friend, the photography student think she has information about a janitorial staff opening? I’m pretty sure those jobs are filled. In fact, I remember taking lots of applications for them. Let me double check it online.

Student: She said the whole studio arts building and especially the photo lab have been kind of, sort of messy lately. I mean, she says there’s chemicals and stuff left out. And you know, it’s like no one’s been cleaning up. But that could just be, you know, students using the lab after hours or something, like after it’s been cleaned.

Employee: Hang on. There’s… There’s an asterisk next to one of the job numbers here. There’s a note. Let’s see. Your friend is right. It seems like one of the student janitors quit a couple of weeks ago for some reason. Well, whatever. It looks like this is your lucky day.

Student: Wow. That is so great. So who’s the contact person?

Employee: Check with the janitorial office.

Student: Fine. Thanks so much.

官方真题Official48托福听力Conversation 1题目+解析

1.Why does the student go to the employment office?

A.To get feedback from his previous supervisor

B.To try to have his work hours reduced

C.To find out about getting an on-campus job

D.To compare various job offers that he has received




Student: Yeah, I’m not exactly sure … But for this year, well, that’s what I want to ask about.

Employee: Oh. How come you waited so long to come in? You know how fast campus jobs fill up, if you had come in earlier, you probably would have gotten the library job again. I mean since you have the experience from last year, you don't need the training and all, but it’s been filled now.

解析:在就业处的员工认出学生,且寒暄几句关于学生去年在art library的工作之后,学生说工作问题也是我想问的(But后为重要信息),而且员工继续说,你要是早点来的话,可能就又能得到图书馆的工作了,但是你知道学校的工作职位招满是很快的。这些信息可以推断学生是为了学校的工作职位来的。

2.Why does the university employee seem surprised at the student’s request for on-campus jobs?

A.Because she knows he is interested in off-campus jobs

B.Because she expected him to apply earlier in the semester

C.Because she knows he recently quit an on-campus job

D.Because she thought he already had an on-campus job




Employee: Oh. How come you waited so long to come in? You know how fast campus jobs fill up, if you had come in earlier, you probably would have gotten the library job again. I mean since you have the experience from last year, you don't need the training and all, but it’s been filled now.


3.What does the student imply about the job he had at the library last year?

A.It did not require as much training as jobs in restaurants.

B.It did not pay as well as jobs in restaurants.

C.It offered a flexible work schedule for students.

D.It convinced him to become a librarian in the future.




Student: Yeah, I know, but I had planned to get a job working at a restaurant off-campus this year. I really need to make more money than I did last year and working as a waiter, there is always the tips. But I’ve tried a ton of places but I haven’t found anything. I know it’s really late.


4.Why does the student mention his friend Suzanne?

A.To compare his restaurant job with her job at the photograph lab

B.To suggest that he wants to work with her

C.To explain why students do not want to have janitorial jobs

D.To explain why he thinks there is a job opening




Student: Could you possibly check? I know it’s a long shot, but my friend Susan, she takes photography classes in Harrison Hall and she sort of thought there might be an opening in the janitorial staff.

解析:学生提到自己的朋友Susan,说到她认为可能有janitorial staff的空缺。进一步解释为什么他自己认为有职位空缺,因为他是听朋友说的。

5.What can be inferred about the woman when she says this: ?

A.She believes that there is no way to confirm that information.

B.She is concerned about information security.

C.She doubts the accuracy of the information.

D.She does not find the information helpful.




Employee: Why does your friend, the photography student think she has information about a janitorial staff opening? I’m pretty sure those jobs are filled. In fact, I remember taking lots of applications for them. Let me double check it online.


