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机构:朗阁培训 时间:2020-08-24 15:34:38 点击:256






红红火火,恍恍惚惚,酷热难耐的暑期即将过去,9月即将来临。对于雅思考生来说,9月意味着口语的新一轮变题季。今天这里给大家带来雅思口语9月变题季part 3部分的话题预测。希望大家准备充分,胸有成足应对雅思口语考试!

初用外语 Describe a first time that you used a foreign language to communicate.

1.What do you think of children learning a foreign language?

2.Why are some language classes boring?

3.Some students hate to learn foreign languages, what can teachers do to develop their interest?

4.Some people travel for learning a foreign language, what do you think?

5.What’s the best way to learn a foreign language?

6.Why can some people learn languages fast while others learn slowly?

7.Does one’s age affect their language learning?

同住之人 Describe a person that just moved home

P3:1.Do you like to live with people about your age or older than you?

2. What would you do if your neighbor are noisy all the time?

3.What are the advantages of living with old people?

4.Should young adults live on their own?

想学的课程 Describe a course you would learn if you had time.

1.How do people share good news?

2.How does modern technology affect the delivery of information?

3.When do people share good news?

4.What kinds of good news have you received before?

创作大师 Describe a creative person,such as an artist or musician,who has influenced you.

P3:1.What can schools do to nurture children' s creativity?

2.Why do some people to copy each other' s ideas these days?

3.Do you think art can make a person more creative?

4.Do you think you were more creative when you were young?

5.What' s the most creative thing that you have ever done or made?

省钱妙招 Describe a method that helps you save money.

1.What can parents do to teach children to save money?

2.Why do young people tend to waste money?

3.What kinds of things do people like to buy in your country?

4.Do schools in China teach anything about financial management?

5.What is it necessary to teach teenagers to manage money?

6.How do parents give pocket money in your country?

聚会晚餐 Describe a reunion dinner you organized.

1.Do Chinese people like to eat at home?

2.How often do Chinese people eat out?

3.Why do some people like to eat alone?

4.Are there any disadvantages of eating outside?

5.What’s the difference between having meals at home in a restaurant?

6.Why do some people keep eating healthy food even if they already know the harm?

愉快购物 Describe a happy shopping experience.

1.How often do people in your country go shopping?

2.What kinds of places are popular for shopping in China?

3.Do you think online shopping will replace shopping in reality?

4.Did you ever have bad shopping experience?

5.What would you do if you bought something disappointing from the internet?

6.How is online shopping so popular these days?

大好消息 Describe a good piece of news you received before.

1.How do people share good news?

2.How does modern technology affect the delivery of information?

3.When do people share good news?

4.What kinds of good news have you received before?

有趣传统 Describe an interesting tradition in your country.

1.Why is it important to protect traditions?

2.What's the most important tradition in your country?

3.What kinds of traditions have disappeared in your country?

4.Why should children learn about traditions?

5.What can governments do to protect traditions?

有趣场所 Describe an interesting place in public.

1.What measures should be taken to deal with noise in public places?

2.How should people behave in public places?

3.Where do people like to visit on weekends?

4.Are expensive buildings a waste of money?

大型公司 Describe a large company you know.

1.Difference between big companies and small companies?

2.Are there many big companies in your country?

3.What are the good things about working for a big company?

4.How can a small company grow big?

5.Should big companies donate more to charities?

6.Should big companies be punished more seriously if they break the law?






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红红火火,恍恍惚惚,酷热难耐的暑期即将过去,9月即将来临。对于雅思考生来说,9月意味着口语的新一轮变题季。今天这里给大家带来雅思口语9月变题季part 2部分的46个话题预测。希望大家准备充分,胸有成足应对雅思口语考试!

1.完美工作 Describe a perfect job you would like to have in the future.

2.初用外语 Describe a first time that you used a foreign language to communicate.

3.同住之人 Describe a person that just moved home

4.课外活动 Describe an extracurricular activity you do in school.

5.儿时技艺 Describe an important skill you learnt when you were a child.

6.想学的课程 Describe a course you would learn if you had time.

7.优良品行 Describe a good part of your personality or character.

8.创作大师 Describe a creative person,such as an artist or musician,who has influenced you.

9.讨厌的旅程 Describe a short trip you disliked.

10.省钱妙招 Describe a method that helps you save money.

11.积极改变 Describe a positive change in your life.

12.聚会晚餐 Describe a reunion dinner you organized.

13.愉快购物 Describe a happy shopping experience.

14.大好消息 Describe a good piece of news you received before.

15.犯错经历 Describe a mistake that you once made before.

16.保持健康 Describe a way you keep fit or healthy.

17.有趣传统 Describe an interesting tradition in your country.

18.有趣场所 Describe an interesting place in public.

19.大型公司 Describe a large company you know.

20.初次品尝 Describe a food you first time to eat.

21.有趣小说 Describe an interesting novel or story.

22.电视故事 Describe an interesting story you watched on TV.

23.初尝运动 Describe a sport you would like to try.

24.共进晚餐 Describe a dinner you enjoyed with your friends.

25.观看电影 Describe a movie you have watched in a cinema or at home.

26.先进个人 Describe a person you know that had made a contribution to the social.

27.人生目标 Describe a goal you'd like to achieve in the future.

28.怀旧歌曲 Describe a song that reminds you of a particular stage in life.

29.本地新闻 Describe a piece of local news that people were interested in.

30. 你的照片 Describe a photo of yourself that you like.

31.他人赠衣 Describe a piece of clothing that someone gave you.

32.喜爱家庭 Describe a family (not your own) that you like.

33.外语交流 Describe a time when you talk with other people in English.

34. 改变计划 Describe one time when the weather changed your plan.

35.新的技能 Describe a new skill you want to learn.

36.有趣动物 Describe an interesting animal.

37.一场梦境 Describe a dream you had.

38.致歉之人 Describe a person who has apologize to you.

39.开心商品 Describe a product you bought and you feel happy.

40.污染之地 Describe a place you visited has been affected by pollution.

41.仰望天空 Watching the Sky.

42.喜爱季节 Describe your favorite season.

43.一款App Describe an App you know.

44.尊敬老人 Describe someone who is older than you that you admire.

45.传家之宝 Describe an important object that your family has kept for a long time.

46.尊敬的领导 Describe a leader you admire.


