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机构:厦门新航道 时间:2016-03-26 09:39:28 点击:624

  1. 联接词汇在文中的运用

  连词作为文章中最直接的联接符号,天然无足轻重,恰当的连词能使文章层次布局愈加明晰.在雅思写作中,首要连词办法别离用于引出观念(启),联接分观念(承), 引导敌对观念(转),以及总结观念(合)四个方面.既要做到有意识地,灵敏地运用不一样品种连词,又要恰当与评分标准中的词汇调查相联系,挑选书面并有多样的衔接词汇。

  (1) 启: In the first place, To begin with,

  (2) 承: In addition, Additionally, Apart from this, Also  Another issue is that……/ Another equally important issue is that….

  (3) 转: However, Nevertheless, On the other hand, Yet  Although……..

  (4) 合: To sum up, All in all, In conclusion,  It is reasonable to assume that……/ It follows therefore that….


  一篇高分范文总能在精确运用一些中规中矩的连词的一起,恰如其分的运用到各种杂乱言语点,然后愈加高质量的完结文章的意连。衔接远不止于两三个联接词汇,而是真实在于小句之间的衔接,在于如何故明晰明晰的办法出现作者的思路与逻辑,以到达写作的真实意图,即精确传达Ideas, 然后make you understood.相反,若总是把各个语句僵硬凑集,除了给人以思路零星的感受,更不利于在考试中获得抱负成果。那么,想要既联接地天然,就必须从阶段思路扩大办法着手,做到不露痕迹的意连。以下仅举一些典型示例。

  (1)刺进语的运用  恰当展示符号的魅力,既能起到很好的弥补阐明的作用,又能显现语法的纯熟。此类语法在文章中的运用能够和不可防止的扩大办法-----例子法相联系,加强考生运用时的灵敏度。想让一个观念详细而不空泛,举例无疑是极好的挑选,往往由For example,/ For instance,引导。若想衔接办法地道又有新意,能够将此衔接短语刺进之后的主句主语之后。

  例如: For example, an increasing number of students choose to study abroad to further their education.  修改后:An increasing number of students, for example, choose to study abroad to further their education.

  (2) 缘由及成果状语从句  状语从句虽不杂乱,但却能起到十分天然的小句联接的作用。任何一个观念若想扩大明晰和透彻,最棒的办法就是因果推理法。上下意的拓宽不只能让考生坚持明晰的写作思路,更能让考官感受到证明地颜色。

  例如:Since/ As students are mentally immature, they are less likely to resist the temptation in the real world.  Students can accumulate some hands-on experience through part-time jobs, so that they can become more independent and sociable.

