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小作文中常常需要对数据进行比较,可是总不能只会用"bigger than" ,"more than", "less than"吧。。来看看下面这些词汇以及解说,原来小作文也可以有很多花样!

This lesson looks at some more advanced comparison vocabulary for academic task 1 writing to talk about the degree or size of the comparison. The idea is generally not enough to say that something is “bigger than” something else, you need to say by how much and that there are times you want to use words and not just numbers.

Why do you need this language? Why not just use numbers?

An extremely interesting comment on this site came from someone who asked whether it was wrong to say something was “far more” than something else on the grounds that this was a subjective opinion and the task is to describe the data objectively. My answer to this is:

this is a language task and you should try to use language and not just numbers in your answer

this is a summary task and that means that you do not include all the numbers, but describe some of them in language

mostly, you should try and combine words and numbers together in order to give the examiner/reader as much information as possible

in your summary statement, however, (normally either your introduction/conclusion) you may simply use words without numbers because it is a general description of the chart/graph/table

Amounts and numbers


Considerably and significantly have similar meanings. I would say that considerably is the stronger word, but someone else might tell you different!

A useful alternative to marginally is fractionally.

Be careful with countable and uncountable words. You use amount and less with uncountable words such gas and number, and fewer with countable words such as people.

I would avoid using a lot more as this is rather non-academic language. Alternatives would include far more and a great deal more.



You should be careful with the prepositions here. You talk about a difference between two things, but say one thing is different from (or sometimes to) something else.



While you cannot use almost similar, you can say almost the same as

Other useful adjectives


The preposition used with both these words is to. So one thing can be identical or comparable to something else.


3组实战结构词 助力雅思高分写作


structure vocabulary for IELTS essays

What kind of vocabulary is needed in an IELTS essay?

One form of vocabulary needed in IELTS is the language to structure your essay and make it coherent. This vocabulary is not specific to the topic of the question, but can be recycled from essay to essay with appropriate changes.

Should you just learn these phrases?

That depends. If you are looking for a "quick fix" to get a result asap, it is one possible approach. However, that may not work. If your general English is of a lowerstandard, the examiner is likely to realise that these are "learnt" phrases andyou may not get credit for them.

If you have more time to prepare, I have another suggestion. Adopt and

adapt. This means:

? you choose a few of these phrases - not all of them

? you see how they work by trying them in your own essays

? you adapt them to your writing



