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机构:上海环球雅思 时间:2020-06-28 11:48:18 点击:523


河南环球雅思学校专注于出国考试培训及配套服务,凭借超棒的师资、严格的管理。郑州环球教育课程介绍 雅思课程 雅思7+,雅思7分,雅思6.5分,雅思6分,雅思5分。




This lesson looks at a way to improve your essay writing skills by using a greater range of connecting language to express contrasts. As you read, you will see that using this language will extend the range of grammatical structures you use. This matters because the examiner does not only look at the range of vocabulary you use, s/he also looks at the range of grammatical structures.

Variations of “Although”

What you will find below are some variations of the word “although” – a word that everyone should be familiar with. As you read the words, make sure you look at the examples and notes too. It is not just a question of learning a list of words, you also need to note the grammar too.

Group 1 – in spite of /despite/notwithstanding


“in spite of” and “despite” have the same meaning and grammar

“notwithstanding” is used in the same way as “despite” and “in spite of” – it is really quite formal though

be careful not to use “despite of” – that is incorrect; also note that “in spite of” is 3 separate words

note “despite” and “in spite of” can be used with nouns and -ing forms as well as verb forms: doing this makes use more interesting grammar

if you use a verb form with these words, you need the “the fact that”

Group 2 – while/even though/nevertheless


all these words are used with verb forms – typically they are used at the beginning of the sentence

“even though” has the same grammar as “although”: it is just a little bit stronger

a variation of “even though” is “even if”

“nevertheless” and “nonetheless” are pretty much the same: note the spelling of them as one word

“while”can be used to express contrast as well as time

Group 3 – much as/no matter/as


“much as” is a very strong form of “although” – another variation of it is “however much”

“no matter” is normally followed by “how” and an adjective (“no matter how harmful”)

if you want to use “as” for contrast, you need to an adjective before it (“harmful as it is”)

A health warning – the risk/reward ratioYou do need to be a little careful here though. While there is a reward in varying your connecting language, there is also a risk. The problem is many of these have their own particular grammar and the danger is that you will make more errors in using them. I strongly suggest you:

do not simply learn a list of words 不要只是记住一个单词表!

look at my notes on how they are used 看一看这篇文章中这些单词的用法!

try the use them before your IELTS test 考试之前一定要先自己用过、写过!


小作文中常常需要对数据进行比较,可是总不能只会用"bigger than" ,"more than", "less than"吧。。来看看下面这些词汇以及解说,原来小作文也可以有很多花样!

This lesson looks at some more advanced comparison vocabulary for academic task 1 writing to talk about the degree or size of the comparison. The idea is generally not enough to say that something is “bigger than” something else, you need to say by how much and that there are times you want to use words and not just numbers.

Why do you need this language? Why not just use numbers?

An extremely interesting comment on this site came from someone who asked whether it was wrong to say something was “far more” than something else on the grounds that this was a subjective opinion and the task is to describe the data objectively. My answer to this is:

this is a language task and you should try to use language and not just numbers in your answer

this is a summary task and that means that you do not include all the numbers, but describe some of them in language

mostly, you should try and combine words and numbers together in order to give the examiner/reader as much information as possible

in your summary statement, however, (normally either your introduction/conclusion) you may simply use words without numbers because it is a general description of the chart/graph/table

Amounts and numbers


Considerably and significantly have similar meanings. I would say that considerably is the stronger word, but someone else might tell you different!

A useful alternative to marginally is fractionally.

Be careful with countable and uncountable words. You use amount and less with uncountable words such gas and number, and fewer with countable words such as people.

I would avoid using a lot more as this is rather non-academic language. Alternatives would include far more and a great deal more.



You should be careful with the prepositions here. You talk about a difference between two things, but say one thing is different from (or sometimes to) something else.



While you cannot use almost similar, you can say almost the same as

Other useful adjectives


The preposition used with both these words is to. So one thing can be identical or comparable to something else.