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机构:环球雅思 时间:2020-11-04 16:51:44 点击:699





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Some people think it's all bad for children to watch TV, others believe watching TV can bring positive effects on children when they grow up, discuss both and give your own opinion.



Watching TV has always been an important part of after school life for children, and some of them even become TV addicts. Therefore some people advocate ‘no TV for children’.

Of course this is understandable. Firstly, children sitting too much time in front of a screen tend to have poor eyesight and weak body due to lack of physical exercise. They can also be lost in the virtual world and be insensitive to people around them, including their parents, and this is detrimental to their family relationship and their emotional development. Another concern is about their mental development which needs various types of interactive activities, but obviously excessive TV viewing cannot meet such requirement. The worst part can be some programs which are not proper for children to watch. Too many advertisements and news focusing on emergency and disasters on the screen are also a disadvantageous point for immature people who are prone to be influenced negatively.

However watching TV in moderation with proper parental supervision can be good for children. There are plenty of educational programs which can expand children’s knowledge and spark their interest in exploring the world where they may not have the opportunity to visit in real life, such as the nature and wild life. TV is not only an educational source, but is also a recreational activity. It can help enrich their after class activities. For example, children are always excited to watch cartoons and they would experience the adventure together with the characters in the show. The positive effects would be enlarged if children are able to share their TV time with their parents or peers, because they would have topics in common and more communication can be followed.

In general, I’d like to conclude that whether TV is good or bad is determined by how parents manage it. If parents limit TV hours and designate some educational and interesting programs and they keep their children accompanied, healthy viewing habit would be established and positive effects would be maximized. Otherwise, watching TV can be a worrying situation.


Some people think young people should be free to choose his or her job,but other people think they should be realistic and think more about their future. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

In today’s labour market, what kind of jobs do young people favor? While some mainly consider about some realistic issues such as initiative salary or working conditions, others may choose one simply because they like it.

Of course it is very justified for job seekers to be realistic when facing the severe competition in employment. College graduates have little chance to be romantic but think about the starting payment, security, working hours and future promotion opportunity. In my country, many parents encourage their children to compete for a civil servant position as it is permanent for life. Other things such as personal interest or feelings have to come second. However, many young workers complain about their job of a high level of security. They tend to suffer from tediousnessand indifference.

I personally support young people to have freedom to choose their career in the hope of enhancedjob satisfaction. They should be allowed to choose what they have interest in and feel inspired to be better each day. When a worker feel satisfied with his or her job, he or she would be self-motivated and dedicated to their career. They tend to spare little effort to achieve their workinggoal which is set clear and ambitious. Even if some jobs are not permanent, those who outperformtheir colleagues in these workplaces can also gain high degree of security.

To conclude my argument, it is ideal to land on a job position which not only is stable but alsoignites one’s passion for work. However, there is nothing perfect in this world and especial in the employment sector. My suggestion is to give priority to personal inclination to a particular job when one is seeking for a job.



Childcare is an important task for nations. It is suggested that all mothers and fathers should be required to take the childcare training courses. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement?



Childcare skills, which used to pass from generation to generation, nowadays have been developed into some formal courses in many countries and young parents are encouraged to register in these programs. I personally support such action.

The development in one’s early stage of life is so vital that free access to professional childcare programs, which are not only about nutrition, for all parents should be available. The rationale behind my suggestion includes that young parents equipped with sufficient childcare knowledge about childcare can better protect their infants or toddlers from various risks, detect possible warning signs of development delay, better understand a child’s emotional needs and help establish healthy eating habits. Overall, these parents tend to help children grow to their fullest potential physically, emotionally and intellectually and these advantages would affect the future life of their children for long term.

It is certainly true that our grandparents never attended any parenting classes and they raised our parents with no major regret. It seems that we could keep this tradition, learning from our parents. However, this is impractical in modern society. The decreasing birth rate and smaller scale of families means that the young generation have no chance to help mum take care of their little siblings or witness the process and learn some from their mum. And they are largely no longer living under the same roof with their parents when they grow up and hence have little chance to learn from their parents how to raise a baby properly.

It is also understandable that working parents are sometimes not in a position to get involved in formal parenting courses, especially fathers who usually are the bread earners and dedicate most of their time to their work and leave little time to their families. Nevertheless, such obstacles can be removed by flexible ways of delivering childcare courses, such as the Internet, TV or radio. Or the courses can last for a few years since young couples consider starting a family. In addition, research findings suggest that the increasing involvement of fathers in interactive activities with children helps with healthy development of a baby. Of course, since childcare training is related to the overall citizen quality of a nation, the government should cover all the cost and the parents do not have to worry about the fees.

My personal point of view is that childcare training courses should be compulsory. They promote healthy development of a person in early stage of life, and this makes eligible parents, a happy family and a strong nation.


In some countries, students pay their college or university fees,while in some others, government pays for them. Do you think the advantages that government pays the money outweigh the disadvantages? Give reasons and examples.

Education is universallydeemed as the dutyof the government, butwhen it comes to higher level,opinions perge. Some taxpayers take for grantedthat governments should pay for tertiary study.However, I doubt the feasibility of such practice inmany economies. (被动句,并列句,时间状语从句,宾语从句)

Of course calling for public funding foruniversity or college is reasonable from some perspectives.The first beneficiary should be those in poverty or indisadvantageous situation whononethelessperformwell academically and hold the ambition to further theireducation to higher level. They are treated equallyto the access to higher education andit is thisequality that gives them an opportunity to break theirvicious cycle of poverty or crime and to make contribution tobetter life in their hometown when they graduate. In this scenario the nation is able to foster a larger numberof professionals and gain economic and social benefit frombetter human capital. (动名词,定语从句,被动句,并列句,强调句,状语从句)

However, such practice is rarely implemented in the worldincluding some wealthy countries and the direct reason liesin financial issue. Compulsory primary and secondaryeducation usually does not leave the government sufficientbudget for further support in many countries. In addition,going to university is personal choice, which means thatit would be unfair for those who chooseto work after secondary school. An obvious downside of freeuniversity would encourage every school leaver to attenduniversity, butit is also clear that not everyone isable to or is willing to do so. (并列句,动名词,定语从句,宾语从句,形式主语)

In my opinion, to harmonize the above conflictcaused by free higher education, a practical suggestion canbe that the government fund university education by offering interest-free loan or grantingscholarship tothose poor but outstanding students. (非谓语,宾语从句)


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2021雅思口语话题范文篇一:a good habit

Describe a good habit you want to develop.

You should say:

what good habit it is

how you can develop the habit

how difficult you think it is

and explain why you think this is a good habit.


These days, I am thinking of developing a reading habit(开头句直接回答第一问). When I was a child, my parents bought me a number of books, on art, literature and history. At that time, I used to read books for 3 to 4 hours a day. But now, I rarely read extra books after school, even on holidays (稍作展开,描述养成这种习惯的背景).

To develop this habit, I am determined to spend 2 hours on reading extra books every day and make some notes on what I have read(一句话概括如何养成这种习惯). However, it’s somewhat difficult for me to insist on reading books every day. For one thing, I need to spend hours finishing my homework and preparing for my IELTS. Meanwhile, I hold the post of the leader in School English Club. Sometimes we need to organize different events or invite renowned scholars to make a lecture. Both the academic pressure and school work exhaust me. I am as busy as bees, having no mood to read even one page of extra book(两个例子阐述养成这个习惯的困难度).

Despite of this, I am conscious that I have to manage my time by myself, and become more motivated on reading. The Chinese ancients once said, ‘Good books are just like medicines, purifying our soul and smoothing our heart.’ I hope I can develop this good habit and enjoy the happy moments that reading once provided me(借用谚语,说明这个习惯的重要性).


Describe an occasion you waited for someone.

You should say:

when it happened

who you were waiting for

where you waited

and explain how you felt when you were waiting.


I would like to describe an occasion when I picked up my sister on the airport (开门见山). That happened two years ago, my little sister gave me a call,telling me that her airplane would arrive at 3 o’clock p.m. in Beijing International Airport (等待人物和地点). I was so excited because we hadn’t met each other for a long time. Three years ago she went to study in Canada as an undergraduate student. Due to the intense academic study, she was fully dedicated to the research and rarely came back home (对故事背景稍作补充).

On that day I arrived at the airport half an hour earlier. After consulting the timetable, I noted with satisfaction that the plane would be punctual. When one hour passed, she didn’t show up. I reflected that she must be busy with claiming the baggage, so I played mobile games and listened to popular songs (描述最初的心理感受). But one hour and a half passed, I began to wonder and became a little worried, so I gave her a call. To my surprise, her telephone was dead. At that time, I determined to ask a staff member for help (通过故事展开,进一步描述自己的心理感受). Suddenly, my sister shouted my name in distance and waved at me. Later I learned that she was just walking around the duty free shop and bought me a Channel perfume for surprise!


Do you use dictionary? 你使用字典吗?

I have the habit of going through dictionary. I have an Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary. I bought in last year. 我有查字典的习惯。我有一本牛津高阶词典。去年买的。

I use an online dictionary more than a book. I use dictionary all the time when I am unsure of the spelling or meaning. I can't remember the last word I looked up. 我用在线词典,当我不确定单词拼写或意思的时候,一直都用dictionary.com这个在线词典网站。我也忘了上次我查的词是什么了。

Which kind of dictionaries do you prefer to use? 你喜欢用哪种类型的字典?

As I am not always online and have to work under different circumstances, I have my main electronic dictionaries loaded in my laptop. I like the paper version but it is far too slow. 我要在各种条件下工作而且经常不在线,所以在电脑里装了电子词典。我喜欢纸质词典,但它查起词来太慢了。

Getting the right dictionary is important in the learning process. I prefer monolingual dictionary such as the Cambrdge Advanced Learner's Dictionary. It's the best dictionary with frequency information, collocation boxes and some exercises.学习过程中找对词典非常重要,我更喜欢单语(英英)词典比如剑桥高阶。这是一本非常好的词典,有词频,搭配和练习。

Do you think the dictionary is useful? 你认为字典有用吗?

Yes. It provides a list of words and often a wide range of examples as in how the different words are used. A good dictionary provide us with information we need in order to spell and use correct grammar regarding each different word. 词典给我们提供了大量的单词同时配有如何使用这些词的例句。一本好的词典让我们知道不同的单词如何正确拼写及使用语法等。

2021雅思口语话题范文篇四:a quiz TV show

Describe a quiz TV showWell, it seems that many TV channels like to present some quiz shows to the public, such as “the lucky 52” in CCTV2, “happy dictionary” in CCTV 3, and “great competition of intelligence” in CCTV 1. But here, I’d like to talk about a quiz show from Shenzhen TV channel, which is named as “who is cleverer”.

This quiz show brings the adults back to the primary school class, helps them recall those happy memories in the childhood, recollects those forgotten knowledge. It aims to attract audience of primary school students, as well as adults.

In this quiz show, a group of primary school students and a team of adults are competing on the same stage, for those seemingly familiar and seemingly simple questions from primary school subjects. It is fun to see the embarrassment of those adult competitors unable to answer those easy questions, and it is also fun to see those primary students showing off their knowledge in front of their adult competitors. Altogether, there are 10 questions for each competitor, and those adults who can answer right all the 10 questions may have a chance to get the prize: 50 thousand YMB , but if he fail, he has to say to the audience, “wow, I am not so clever as a primary school student” and then he is replaced by another adults.

Wow, it’s so funny that after so many years education, almost no adults could win the game and get the prize. And it’s so interesting that this quiz show can bring so many parents and children in front of their TV sets to enjoy their get-together. I like the feeling of watching this kind of TV programs.


