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机构:环球雅思 时间:2020-11-04 16:53:02 点击:600





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The diagram describes the production of canned fruit.

Sample Answer:

The diagram illustrates how to produce canned fruit step by step.

It is clear that there are several main steps in this process, from the initial fresh apples to the final canned products.

At the first stage of this process,sweet and ripe apples are chosen and transported to the factory where apples are sorted by workers. Next, while some unsuitable apples are taken out at this stage, those qualified apples are cooled in a storageat 20℃. Following this, the cooled apples are sanitized under flowing water and weighed to ensure each apple to meet the standard.

After being peeled and pided into pieces, the apples are mixed with water, juice and syrup to improve the flavour. Then, the mixture is filled in the can and sterilized in the cooking stage. Finally, after the cooling step, the packaged cans are transported to local supermarkets and they are ready for sale.


The chart below shows the percentage of the whole world population in four countries from 1950-2002, with projections to 2050.

Sample Answer:

The bar chart compares the changes in the proportion of populationin India, China, the USA and Japan in 1950 and 2002, and it also indicates the projections for 2050.

In 1950, China accounted for one fourth of the world population. Although this figure decreased slightly, it still ranked the first in 2002, compared to other three countries. It is estimated that the population in China will continue to drop to 19 per cent in the middle of this century.

India ranked the second in terms of the population in the table, which made up 15 per cent in 1950, but since then, there was a dramatic increase, climbing to approximately 19 per cent. The percentage is expected to increase slightly to 21 per cent in 2050 and will probably exceed that in China.

When it comes to the population in the USA and Japan,both of which witnessed a decrease from 1950 to 2002. It is predicted that in 2050, the percentage will remain the same in the USA, and in Japan, the percentage is likely to keep falling.

Overall, it seems that India will become the country with the largest population although there is still a huge number of people in China.


The table below shows the percentage of “very good” rated by first-year students.

Sample Answer:

The table reveals the respective rating of course satisfaction towards different subjects and contents from first- year students.

In terms of pre-course information, commerce tops in these three subjects, with 95% of students showing satisfaction. 72% of the students rate the pre-course information of law as “very good” and the figure for economics is merely 10% more than half of that for commerce.

When it comes to teaching, tutor and printed resources, economics and commerce share similar popularity, with approximately 95%, 92% and 83% respectively. However, only about 70% of students are satisfied with these of law.

It is worth noting that law is quite satisfactory when students are rating other resources, with 80% of satisfaction from the first-year students. Commerce is still in the first place (81%) and economics is the most unsatisfactory in this factor.

Overall, commerce enjoys the highest satisfaction in all kinds of contents, while students are relatively less satisfied with law.


The chart below shows the expenditure on three categories with different proportions among residents in the UK in 2004.

Sample Answer:

The bar chart compares the proportion of money spent by British on three different items in the year 2004.

It is noticeable that thelargest proportion of spending went on food and drink in most age groups, compared with other two categories. Overall, senior citizens were more willing to entertain themselves.

Generally, the proportion of budget on food increased steadily with age, with around 6% in the youngest age group and nearly 25% in the oldest one.Similarly, the figures for entertainment presented an increasing trend, and the highest percentage could be seen in 60~75 group, at around 23%.

As shown in the bar chart, restaurant and hotel had a relatively lower figure compared with other two items and its figure decreased with age. It is interesting to note that middle-aged people and the elderly tended to spend the same expenditure on accommodation, with just over 10% respectively.




  • 车婕

    教育背景:澳大利亚格里菲斯大学,商科硕士 。六余年澳大利亚留学经历,本科选修商务翻译,雅思总分7.5,口语8。深谙国外的生活和语言习惯,英语功底深厚,发音纯正。

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西安靠谱的雅思培训机构,环球教育教育,海归老师,因材施教,专项提分,全程监管,线上线下混合教学环球教育教育 雅思通关,先试听后交费,不过免费重学。环球教育_1对1价格合理-效果好,8人班费用少-效率高,免费学前测评,享个性化专属学习方案。环球教育学校—环球教育训北京环球雅思辅导一对一,环球教育是中国大的出国留学语言培训机构。全国多家分校直营。 西安靠谱的雅思培训机构

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The bar chart shows the differences in the class size between primary school and lower secondary school in six nations in the year 2006. Generally, the class size in primary school was slightly larger than that in lower secondary school in the world average category.

It is clear that only two Asian countries’ figures were higher than the world average in terms of average number in primary school (26), with 34 in South Korea and 27 persons in Japan respectively, followed closely by Britain (22). Meanwhile, the figures for Denmark and Mexico were similar, at nearly 21 persons. Finally, Iceland had the smallest class size compared with other countries, with only around 15 pupils having a class at the same time.

As for the class size in lower secondary schools, South Korea still had the largest figure, with 36 students. By contrast, Iceland had the lowest number, at only a half of South Korea’s. Also, the numbers in Japan and Mexico both exceeded that of world average, a little higher than 30.

Overall, South Korea had the biggest class size while Iceland had the smallest in two types of schools in the given chart. Only UK and Denmark’s class sizes in primary schools were slightly larger than that in their lower secondary schools.


The line graph below shows the land used for organic crops in two countries between 1985 and 2010.

The line graph compares the areas of land for growing organic crops in two different countries during the period from 1985 to 2010.

In 1985, the areas of land for organic crops in country A and B were both 25 thousand hectares. In the following five years, the figures experienced a slight increase and reached 60 and 30 thousand hectares in 1990, after which they speeded up and rose to 160 and 140 thousand hectares respectively.

From 1995 on, the figure for country B continued to grow and peaked at 280 thousand hectares in 2000. After remaining stable for five years, the area dropped dramatically to less than 150 thousand hectares. By contrast, there was a small increase in the figure for country A from 1995 to 2000. After that, the area declined, although it still outnumbered that for country B in 2010.

Overall, in the first 15 years, the areas of land for organic crops increased in these two countries, while the figures dropped in the next 10 years.


The bar chart compares the changes in the places where people used to surf the Internet in the years 1998,2000,2002,and 2004.

It can be seen from the chart that people were more likely to surf the Internet at home and in their working places. The percentage of people who get access to the Internet experienced its ups and downs. After it fell to about 46% in 2000, it began to rise gradually and reached a peak of about 55% in 2004. The gap between people who spent their online time at home and in their working place widened. People enjoyed less their online time in their working places, which its percentage decreased steadily and fell to its bottom of 10% in 2004.

Conversely, the numbers people who chose to spend their online time in colleges and libraries did not change dramatically. From 1998 to 2002, the size of people who enjoyed their online time in college was nearly the same and stood at 20%. But it went down to approximately 18% in 2004. As for those who preferred to get to the Internet in library, the percentage fluctuated between 1998 and 2004. In 1998, library had the fewest Internet users, which was only 10%. After that, the percentage fluctuated between 10% and 15%.


The graph shows the number of overseas visitors to three different areas in a European country between 1987 and 2007.

The line graph illustrates the changes in the number of foreigners who visited three different areas in a particular European country from 1987 to 2007.

In 1987, the coast was the most popular tourist spot, with 40 thousand people visiting it. The mountains attracted 20 thousand visitors, which was twice the figure for the lakes.

During this 20-year period, the number of visitors to the coast showed an upward trend, rising to 75 thousand, although it dipped to 35 thousand in 1992. There was a steady increase to 35 thousand from the year 1999 in the figure for the mountains, despite some initial fluctuations.

As to the figure for the lakes, it overtook that for the mountains in 1992. It continued to increase markedly and peaked at 75 thousand in 2002, after which it experienced a rapid decline of 25 thousand.

Overall, the popularity of these three different areas grew in this period, while the figure for the mountain areas witnessed a quick drop in the last five years.


