
机构:朗阁教育 时间:2020-10-09 点击:524










Event-Public Events/Celebrations 公共活动/庆典

1. Describe a celebration, public event or moment that is most impressive to you. Explain why it was impressive to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response. ★ [2006.10.15/2006.12.16]

The most unforgettable activity in my life is the campaign to be the chairwoman of the students? government of my university. It is so memorable that I can always see the scenario in my mind all the time until now. Mostly because its my first campaign and there were 20 candidates. Also this was my debut to give speech in front of thousands of people. And what?s more. This speech will decide if I can win. I was so nervous, my hand shook and I have to control it. More importantly, my best friends give me great help to convince student to vote for me. They probably as busy as me. I was so grateful to them. In addition, I have to take part in lots of activities to give students a nice impression…All in all, I won at last. And these memories will company me the rest time of life.

My university graduation is the most memorable event in my life because it was such a special day full of both sorrow and happiness. We gathered together with our beloved classmates and teachers. We cried and said goodbye to our friends with whom we studied and lived together for 4 years, because we all would go to different parts of the country and even of the world to work or pursue one?s future study. We also gave our sincere well-wishing to our dear friends, because on this day we would end one part of our lives and embark on the beginning of our promising future.

2. Describe a ceremony or public event that you attended. Explain why it was memorable to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response. ★ [2006.2.11]

3. Describe a memorial you attended. Explain why it was important to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response. ★ [2006.6.16]

4.Describe a social or historical event in your country.Explain why it was memorable to you.Include reasons and examples to support your response. ★ [2006.12.3/2006.12.7]








Do you agree or disagree the following statement? All children should learn foreign language.


I strongly agree with the statement that every child should be required to learn a second language in school. First of all, in today’s world, it is a huge advantage to speak more than one language. Take English for example, when speaking good English, people can make friends from all over the world.

When travelling, we don’t have to stick with the tour guide, we can ask around and find the things to do that interest us. Also, a second language can open our minds. Because of English, I can get access to massive amount of information when I do research for my school work. Besides, when watching an English movie, I don’t need to rely on subtitles which sometimes aren’t accurate.




Who is the person you admire most? (可能会变通为your favorite teacher, the person influenced you most in your family 等等)

What are the characteristics of a good leader/ teacher/ boss? 所有的题目都要求我们给出具体的要点。


Where would you like to go to relax?

可以变通为: your favorite place./ The place you go to often/ the school that gives your strong impression.


The most important gift you ever received. 可以变通为:

The object you cherished most when you are young.

Your favorite toy.

Describe one gift you ever given to others.

4、托福口语事件类题目, 此类问题比较复杂,是因为里面会考到decision, choice, personal preference 等。此类题目典型考法:

Describe an event you felt happy and explain why.

The most important decision you ever made.

Describe one successful experience.

A celebration that impressed you.

A challenging experience.

A situation you asked for help, the response of the others.


本文对工作经验类题目的归类区别于职业、工作类题目,后者出题偏向如何工作如你喜欢团体协作还是独立工作或者是你喜欢的具体职业如警察、公务员、律师等等;而前者主要是强调学生工作经验的重要性如一个高中生应不应该实习、兼职工作, 对刚工作的朋友有什么样的建议等题目。请看一下英文题目:

Some people believe that it is important for young people to have a part-time job as a working experience, while others think they should spend more time on their studies. What is your opinion and why.

Do you agree or disagree university students should take part-time jobs.

Your friend is considering dropping out of university, what suggestion would you like to give him?

Do you think it's a good idea for students to work for a year before entering university?

What suggestions would you give a freind who is starting a new job. Give examples and details in your response.



· Keeping a decent GPA and doing an internship on top of that is pretty hard to achieve,

· Admittedly, working and studying at the same time is not going to be easy,

实习的好处enormous benefits:

如:务实的眼光practical insights, 合理利用时间prioritize and budget time, 接触业界get exposure in the industry, 真实世界的经验 real world experience,拓宽社交圈子expand you



however, one might get enormous benefits from internship. To start with, you will be exposed to the real world, and get firsthand experience working in the industry, you'll have a chance to see whether you really like the profession or not.


Also, it helps to expand your social network, world famous corporations keep in touch with interns, suppose they have any vacancies in the future, they'll consider you to fill it up, and some company might even offer scholarships to interning students.


自学self learner:

搜寻信息的能力search and retain information;



It is really important for a professional to be a self learner, there are times when nobody is there to help you out, so you need to search and retain the information you need and be competent on the job.


be a listener and observer, 有灵性 be sensible, 意识到be aware of, 低调keep a low profile/keep it low



A good advice for newcomers in workplace is that they should try to be a a listener and observer. Since he is not familiar with way that people do their works in the new place, it is important for him to be sensible and aware of the dynamics in the company and keep a low profile.

信守诺言:keep your word,



I would suggest that he should keep his word. If you promised something and cannot deliver that, nobody will trust you anymore and that is really bad for your reputation.

be confident

诚实:be honest



Nobody is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. I would suggest him not try to hide his mistakes or inflate his competencies. A good employee is very motivated to fulfill the task, but honestly admits his mistake when trying something new that does not really work out.






说到韩国旅行可能大家有很多可以说的,比如说首尔塔N-Seoul tower,在那里面有着浪漫的爱情锁桥;去一去每个地方的大学,于是来到了为韩国政商界输入人才众多,也是亲信们事件爆发地的梨花女子大学-Ewha Womans University ;虽然韩国可吃的东西不是很多,但是每个地方还是要吃些传统的美食,比如说韩国泡菜(Kim chi),大酱汤(Doenjang soup) ,石锅拌饭(Bibimbap),啤酒和炸鸡(beer and fried chicken),紫菜包饭(Korean sushi)。




Describe the advantages of living abroad. Please include specific reasons and examples in your response.


Some people prefer to live in different places throughout their lives. Others prefer to stay and live in one place. Which do you prefer and why? Please include reasons and details in your response.


Sample response1:

To some extent living abroad may have some advantages, the most important thing is that people may gain the chance to experience new things, such as new sceneries, new climate, new people or friends. (列举的思路)

As for me, the most exciting one is that I can taste new delicious foods. I am a food lover and I wanna taste the foods from all over the world. If living in our neighbor Korea for some years, I may taste the authentic bibimbap, Doenjang soup, the authentic Korean sushi, Kim chi and so on. (列举的思路)All these may well satisfy my appetite and I may have the better knowledge about the eating culture in Korea. Thank you.

Sample response2:

Honestly speaking, I prefer to live in different places throughout my life.

Firstly, I have the chance to taste various foods. If I stay in Korea for some years, I may taste the authentic bibimbap, Doenjang soup(列举的思路); if I stay in Thailand for some years, the local food, you know, the curry crab or the curry chicken(列举的思路) will satisfy my appetite. The different foods in different countries make me feel fabulous.

And also, this will broaden my horizon. For example, if I stay in my own country for my whole life, I may appreciate limited things. If I stay(对比对照的思路) in other countries, like the America for some years, I may admire the view of Niagara Falls and learn their culture. Then my life will be more diverse.




就大家的这个问题,在本期Talk Now中经列出了很多旅行类的词汇。这些词汇在日常的聊天中也会用到。还没去看的宝宝,真为你捉急。






话题:Do you like to travel alone or with your family members? Explain with specific reasons and details.


I like to travel alone. Because I’m a pretty independent person. Although I don’t mind doing things with friends or family, I don’t like to be tied to someone else’s schedule all the time. If I travelled with my parents, for example, I would be dragged out of bed at 6 o’clock in the morning and spend most of the day walking, sleepy and exhausted. What’s more, the more people you travel with, the more tastes and interests you have to bear with. Like if I travelled with my sister, I would be wandering in jewelry stores or souvenir shops wherever I travel, which gets me bored. So I would rather travel alone, even if it means a lonely or a more costly trip.


关于旅游,托福口语向来考的内容多变,从旅游的方式、地点,到旅游的经历,再到对旅游的感受,都是考生们应该熟知掌握的内容。就旅游方式而言,考生们回答问题时选择最多的可能是backpack travel 背包旅行/自助旅行,或者driving tour 自驾游,除此之外,solo/independent travel 自助旅游,package tour 随团旅行也是比较受欢迎的。其他的,比如guided tour 有导游带领的旅游,cycling tour 骑自行车旅游,coach/greyhound travel 巴士旅游,charter tour 租车/船旅游,cruise 乘船巡游也是很多同学想要选择的,可能有时碍于不会表达就因此放弃转而选择好描述的内容去说。在回答独立口语问题时,容易描述的内容固然好,因为这至少保证你的流畅度是OK的,但趋于平淡枯燥的答案很难让考官感兴趣,那就不如把本来想说的说出来,然后再去下功夫练你的流畅度。所以,大家想要描述租车旅游是自己最爱的旅游方式,那就从今天开始记住它叫做charter tour吧。

除了旅游方式,旅游的种类也很繁多,比如bush walking 丛林徒步旅游,adventure tour 探险旅游,extreme travel 极限旅游,exploring travel 探索旅游,leisure travel 休闲观光,exotic travel 异域旅游,camping 露营, eco-tourism 生态旅游,outbound tourism/outbound travel出境游,excursio/outing 短途旅游,farm tour 农家乐旅游等。

关于旅游景点,大家不要拘泥于tourism attraction(旅游胜地)这一种表达方式,考生应尽量把景点归类的细致一些,比如historical relics 历史遗迹,resort度假地,natural splendour/attraction自然景观,ancient monument 古迹,traditional architecture 传统建筑,summer resort 避暑胜地,national park 国家公园,emperor’s mausoleum/tomb陵墓,famous Buddhist mountain 佛教名山,hot travel spot 黄金景点。

关于地点名称,这里就不多补充了,大家在回答问题时要注意把旅游地点的具体名称说出来,才能体现真实性,然后再详细介绍这个景点的种类等。接下来,非常重要的一节是对这个景点和自身的感受加以形容,而这也是考察考生能力和水平的真正一节。因为很多考生局限于interesting, beautiful, unforgettable, had a memorable moment等通俗的表达,很难抓住考官的胃口,也很难让人感同身受。所以下面补充的内容考生要牢记于心。首先描述景点给人的第一印象,可以说spectacular壮观的,breath-taking惊人的,enchanting/charming/alluring/fascinating迷人的,soothing令人放松的,delightful 令人愉悦的,如果是给人不好的感受,也不要只会说it’s dirty, 可以说messy肮脏凌乱的,fetid 恶臭的,unpleasant 令人不愉快的,disgusting令人厌恶的,unsightly不雅观的,等等。



Solo travel is the quickest and easiest way to grow your independence. 独自旅行是能培养独立性最快最简单的方法。

Being alone on the road focuses your energies and attention. It intensifies the travel experience. 独自旅行能使你保持体力和注意力,并能加强你旅行的感受。

Travelling alone is ideal for unobtrusively observing. Whether in a forest or a crowd, the single traveller can watch, listen, and learn with a minimum of disruption. 独自旅行能使你观察到不易察觉的东西。不论是在森林里还是人群中,独自旅行者都能不被打扰的用心去看,去听,去学去感受。


Itineraries can be planned, and rooms, transport and meals can be picked without hesitation or haggles. This freedom can energize you. 你可以自己定行程,并且不用为了订房间、交通和饭菜而犹豫和争吵。

You can indulge yourself fully; sleep as much or as little as you like; rest when you want; pour it on when you’re feeling ambitious. 你可以尽情享受尽情放纵自己,想睡多少觉睡多少,累了就休息,兴奋了就赶紧去疯狂。


Package tour can be more budget. Tour operators make use of bulk bookings from hotels, and are able to get good deals for food, sight seeing tours, transportation and any other services. 跟团旅行更经济实惠一些,因为旅行社利用团购可以拿到很好的折扣在酒店、食物、观光和交通等项目上。

If you choose to travel during the peak season, there are little chances of securing accommodation and travel tickets. Opting for a holiday package would make it easier to travel in such a situation. 如果是旺季旅行,个人预定的住宿和机票很难被确保。而选择跟团就会好很多。

You can enjoy a tension free holiday: Choosing a tour operator to do most of the planning for the holiday saves you time and hassle. 你可以享受一个无压力的假期,因为有旅行社帮你做一大堆事而这给你省了时间和麻烦。


Travelling teaches me to live an adventure. When I look back, there might be ups and downs, prides and regrets. If I travelled as I would, at least these moments: bicycled across the Golden Gate Bridge, appeared on Italian TV, hiked a Mayan ruin, and learned Spanish in three months wouldn't be on my list of regrets.


Travelling helps you begin to know the world. If you go to Southeast Asia, you may encounter the slave trade. If Eastern Europe, you may see the effects of genocide and religious persecution. If Haiti, you’ll witness the ugly side of Western paternalism. And you will then encounter compassion. You will have a new-found respect for the pain and suffering that over half of the world takes for granted on a daily basis. And you will cherish your life.

