
机构:龙文教育 时间:2020-11-24 点击:462
  • 高考文化课辅导机构




高考前需要注意什么?高考冲刺阶段,考生们身体能量消耗较多,大脑活动常常处于高度紧张状态,容易出现各种生理问题,定时三餐,讲究营养, 保证蛋白质、维生素和热量的供应,不要吃平时没有吃过的和过于油腻的,容易引起胃肠消化吸收功能紊乱,导致脑内供血供氧量相对减少,使大脑反应迟钝,更忌暴饮暴食




高考补习 高中辅导选,网上课程随时学,孩子省时,家长省心,专业名师授课,不懂就问,帮助学员走出学习困境!


Everywhere, you will always find “the white-haired boy”, sometimes called “the fair-haired boy”. He gets special treatment, as if he were above everyone else. You will find him in school, in college, at home, or where you work.

In school, he is the teacher’s darling who can do nothing wrong. Sometimes she lets him do little jobs for her. He comes to class in the morning, all shiny and clean. He is always raising his hand, ready with an answer to the teacher’s questions. And he knows all the answers. He gets in you hair, especially if you are at the bottom of the class and the teacher you are stupid. How you hate him!

At college, he walks——more often stride——across the school grounds as if he owned them. Sometimes he wears a colorful football or basketball shirt or sweater, with a bright red, or green or yellow college letter proudly worn on the front of it. What broad shoulders and what muscles he has! He makes the girls happy by just smiling at them. He has the mark of success on him.

At home, “the fair-haired boy” is mother’s choice, her favorite. Sometimes, he is the oldest son——at times, the youngest. If you are in between, you are out of luck.

Then, you discover that there are others who share your feeling, and are ready to “let their hair down”——to tell you their private thoughts. One of them asks, “Why does he have all that I haven’t got?” You ask yourself the same question.

Finally, there comes a day when you decide to stop hating him. Is it perhaps became he has been made the boss and you find yourself working for him?

1、From the passage we can know “the white-haired boy” is _______________.

A、a boy whose hair is white B、a pet that does nothing wrong

C、a child who is his mother’s favorite child

D、a person who is lucky all the time

2、“He gets in your hair” (in Paragraph 2) means “ ”

A、he plays tricks on you

B、he does up your hair

C、he makes you a little angry

D、he cuts your hair too short

3、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A、The middle son is considered the unluckiest at home.

B、The top student at college is the white-haired boy.

C、Wearing colorful clothes can make you attractive.

D、The teacher in school treats her students unfairly.

4、In the author’s opinion, you finally stop hating the “white-haired boy” because __________。

A、you have no choice but to face the fact

B、you decide to try your best to be better than him

C、you have been made the boss by him

D、you are beginning to admire him



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