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机构:天津魔力英语 时间:2016-10-25 21:11:30 点击:967



  并列连接词例如:and, or, as well as, not only…but also… ,anything else ,both…and…, also 等。

  剑五test2section4中38题,because of effects on sea levels and ______ .

  原文内容:since these may have profound effects on sea levels and on ocean currents.

  题目中的空与sea levels 被并列连接词 and 连接,即为并列关系,所以判定空为名词短语,在录音中用sea levels定位找到并列关系的词就可以。这是比较简单的并列关系题目,还有一类难度较大的,虽然题干当中是两个词的并列关系,实际录音中为两个句子的并列关系,下面我们看一个例子:

  The kites were decorated with grasses and ______.

  原文内容:For this the priests used long grasses, and these - when the kite was in the air - would stream along behind it. They also used a variety of feathers to add, colour to their creations.

  此题题干中要求找到和grasses 并列关系的词,但录音中紧跟grasses后的并不是我们要的答案,因为这是两个句子的并列关系,要找到答案首先要找到并列连接词,也就是also,在其后的句子主语feathers为答案。

  特殊符号例如 “,”连接的词或短语,“—”或“• ”连接的句子

  Stations contain accommodation, work areas, a kitchen, _____ , a gym.




  The Semira Region has a long tradition of

  A making carpets

  B weaving blankets

  C carving wood

  原文内容:The area has been famous for centuries for making beautiful carpets, although recently there has been a trend to move into weaving blankets and wood carving.

  此题如果利用B和C选项的并列关系就可以直接用排除法去掉B,C 选择A

  代词还原也是一大考点,而且是很多题目丢分主要原因,往往是同学们听到了关键词以为后面就是答案时,却听到了一个that… 而此时又不知道这个代词到底指代的是什么,于是陷入深深的纠结中… 在这里天津雅思培训机构讲一下常见代词还原出现的几种情况。

  常见代词有人称代词 I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they…指示代词it , that , this , these , those , here, there… 和关系代词when , which , who , whom…其中人称代词的还原是同学比较容易识别的,所以在这里我们主要举另外两种代词的实例。

  剑八test3section3 第22题

  What project work did Paul originally intend to get involved in ?

  A construction

  B agriculture

  C tourism

  原文内容:Then there was tourism – taking tourists for walks around the volcanoes –which(tourism) I actually chose to do

  此题为关系代词which的还原,前文提到的tourism 紧接着一句话来解释工作内容,最后表示这个(旅游业)是实际选择做的。

