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机构:上海环球雅思 时间:2020-07-31 10:31:57 点击:627








雅思考官雅思写作备考建议 学会视角写作很关键


IELTS Writing Task 2: different perspectives


A good way to organise your ideas is by thinking about the topic from different perspectives or points of view.


I used the 'perspectives' technique to write a paragraph about the positives of more people living alone

Here's my paragraph with the perspectives highlighted:


The rise in one-person households can be seen as positive for both personal and broader economic reasons. On an individual level, people who choose to live alone may become more independent and self-reliant than those who live with family members. A young adult who lives alone, for example, will need to learn to cook, clean, pay bills and manage his or her budget, all of which are valuable life skills. From an economic perspective, the trend towards living alone will result in greater demand for housing. This is likely to benefit the construction industry, estate agents and a whole host of other companies that rely on homeowners to buy their products or services.

小编点评在探讨独居生活方式的有利面时,分别从个人层面(on an individual level)和社会经济层面(from an economic perspective)j进行讲述,从小到大,从浅入深(并均配上了例子来佐证),层次感十足。当然不要忘记了开篇时的观点句统领全段(positive for both personal and broader economic reasons),作者的用词简洁,但是毫无repetition之感。

Try writing about the negatives of the same trend, from two or three different perspectives.


IELTS Writing Task 2: tourism

Do the benefits of tourism outweigh the drawbacks?

Here are some ideas. I've organised the vocabulary according to different perspectives (different ways of looking at this issue).


Positives of tourism:

1. Personal perspective: Tourism is a popular leisure activity. Tourists can relax, have fun, 'recharge their batteries', experience different customs and cultures (sight-seeing, sunbathing, visiting monuments, tasting new cuisine). Travel opens our minds. It can broaden our horizons.

2. Economic perspective: The tourism industry is vital for some countries. People rely on tourism for their income. Tourism attracts investment from governments and companies. It creates employment due to demand for goods and services (hotels, entertainment etc.). It helps to improve the standard of living.

Negatives of tourism:

1. Environmental perspective: Tourism can have a negative impact on the environment. Excessive building (roads, hotels etc.) destroys natural habitats and spoils the landscape. Tourism creates pollution and waste. It puts pressure on local resources such as food, water and energy.

2. Economic perspective: Tourism may cause a rise in the cost of living. Prices of goods and services go up. Tourists buy second homes. All of this affects local people.

3. Cultural perspective: Local traditions may be lost. Traditional jobs and skills die out (e.g. farming, fishing). Local people are forced to work in the tourist industry.

Thinking about topics from different perspectives can help you to generate better ideas. This technique isn't perfect for every topic, but it can be really useful.









雅思考官1周雅思备考建议 聚焦雅思写作

编者按:关于雅思写作时对待我们一直追崇的'difficult' language的正确态度;关于雅思写作目标6分和7分分别建议。满满的诚意,选自前雅思考官simon的博客近一周的内容,相信广大烤鸭们是能从中有所收获的。

IELTS Writing Task 2: the problem with 'difficult' language


One of the main messages that I try to communicate in my lessons is that 'difficult' words and grammar are not the secret to a high score. You don't need to be Shakespeare to get band 7, 8 or 9!

In fact, 'difficult' language often has a negative effect on people's scores. Instead of impressing the examiner, the 'difficult' language may be unnatural, inappropriate, or just incorrect.


Look at these examples from Sunday's lesson. I've underlined the words that I think the students hoped would impress the examiner.


1. If schools administered with any teachers, disorder and lawlessness would arise.

2. If uncensored commercials had been banned, the crime rate would be seized from rising.

All of the underlined 'difficult' words are either used wrongly or they seem strange in these contexts. It would be better to write the following versions:


1. If schools were run without teachers, the behaviour of pupils would be much worse.

2. If violent commercials were banned, the crime rate would fall.

IELTS Writing Task 2: advice for different scores


Depending on what scores my students are aiming for, I give different advice.

If you are aiming for band 5, 5.5 or 6:

对目标是band 5, 5.5 or 6的烤鸭

You can reach band 6 with fairly 'easy' language if your essay structure is good, your ideas are relevant to the question topic, and you write at least 250 words. Look through the writing task 2 lessons on this website to learn how to write introductions, main paragraphs and conclusions, and work on writing short, simple sentences to express your ideas.

When people get band 5 or below, it is often because they don't finish their essays, they go off-topic, they have no idea about good essay structure, or they try to use 'difficult' language and therefore make lots of mistakes. For bands 5 to 6, keep your essays simple and clear.


If you are aiming for band 7 or higher:


First, you need to do everything that I mentioned above: you need relevant ideas, a good essay structure, and you must write at least 250 words.

But to reach the higher scores, your essays need more 'depth'. You need to explain your ideas in more detail, using a wider range of vocabulary. At this level,good essay structure is not enough, and memorised linking phrases won't help either. Your focus should be on real content.


