
机构:洛阳新航道 时间:2016-07-01 点击:902

  例如:在Part 2有道题目是Describe a structure that you like,在老外的生活常识里面,structure一般是指一种人工建筑(楼房、大厦或像长城那样的土木工程),但如果某位考生不太理解这一点,而去描述了the structure of a company,费闻立说那也无可厚非,考生可以灵活理解某个单词的含义,考官也同样应该灵活接受考生的这种变通。

  在Part 2的描述题中有三个小问题,考生是否需要一丝不苟地一一进行回答,以及万一漏掉了会不会扣分。费考官说,“I don’t care if they answer all the three questions or not, as long as they stay on the topic. These little questions are just a guide, and candidates are allowed to talk about something else within the topic。”


  但考官的弹性不一定都是一件好事—如果你是一位优秀的(excellent)考生,口语也达到了一定的水准,那么考官会在Part 3的问答中reword the questions to make it more difficult(通过改变措词来加大问题的难度),而改变的方法往往是increase the difficulty of vocabulary,比如通常的一个问题是What are the advantages and disadvantages of a strong family relationship?

  但经过考官的一番改装之后,变成了What are some of the pros and cons of a strong family bond? 显然,这种弹性是大多数考生不愿看到的,但现实情况是:越是高端的考生越需要做好考官万一换词的心理准备(preparation),也只有经历过并存活下来的考生才能获取高分(high score),正所谓“不入虎穴、焉得虎子!”

