
机构:朗阁教育 时间:2020-10-09 点击:480




从海外考试领域到英语培训领域,上海朗阁培训中心一直致力于雅思(IELTS)、新托福(TOEFL IBT)、口语、企业团训的学术研究,先后出版近百套专业英语书籍,上海朗阁培训中心还拥有朗阁海外考试研究中心,是针对各类海外考试和教学进行研究的专业性研发机构,研发中心充分利用朗阁教育集团多年海外考试培训积累的教学资源,并依托一批专业研发人员和管理人员的丰富经验,从各类海外考试的动态发展、教学方法与教学材料设计、教师培训与认证、新产品研发、留学英语成绩评估等各方面展开工作,建设目标是力争在各类海外考试和教学研究方面处于同行业领先地位,并向朗阁培训中心提供各类海外考试教学活动或学术活动的多方位支持。全国多家分校直营,各城市分校联系电话请详询15838342813。






Describe a person you admire most.

Michael Jackson.The singer I’m gonna talk about is Michael Jackson. He is my favorite singer because he’s got great incredible talents and style. His songs are all touching and full of passion. Rocking with the rhythm of his songs can help me relax and relieve the pressure from work and study. Besides, he is an amazing dancer as well. The moonwalk steps in the song Billy Jean is just fantastic. I learned some steps from him too. Also, he’s got everything to be cool. The black hat, white shirt, black suit,black shoes style influenced a generation a people around the world.


The thing I often take up in my leisure time is surfing the internet. The information on the internet can enable me to understand the world better. And it helps me to become a more successful person. When I was selecting which university and which major to take after I graduated from the high school, the internet gave me a lot of useful information about the future of some of my prospective professions. I even talked with several people in those particular professions and got their opinions about it. And I think it is really helpful. (96)


The one that I personally admire the most is a character named Alan Shore in a TV series called Boston Legal. Maybe you have heard about it. This character has changed my definition of what a perfect man is and what characteristics one should hopefully possess. He is decent, a man of his word, one of the very few that I regard as having a strong sense of justice. Yet he is not bound up by the rules and knows when to break them to achieve the ultimate good. And he is interesting and eloquent, all the things that I desire to have. (103)


The most important invention in my life is definitely the computer. I spend almost half of my waking hours on it. Definitely the computer,through the computer I can communicate with the world using the internet. And it helps me to become a more successful person. When I was selecting which university and which major to take after I graduated from the high school, the internet gave me a lot of useful information about the future of some of my prospective professions. I even talked with several people in those particular professions and got their opinions about it. And I think it is really helpful. (105)


I think one of the most important effects of the internet is that it can help us understand the world better, and communicate with the world in a way that nothing else can achieve. It helps me to become a more successful person. When I was selecting which university and which major to take after I graduated from the high school, the internet gave me a lot of useful information about the future of some of my prospective professions. I even talked with several people in those particular professions and got their opinions about it. And I think it is really helpful. (102)




招数一:充分利用外教课。上外教课时,你就敞开了说吧,咱可是交了学费的!千万别指望哪天在马路上遇到一个行色匆匆的外国人,上去搭讪说:“Can I practice English with you?”人家的回答基本如下:“Well, How much can you pay?”

招数二:跟室友设定English Time。在English Time时间内,大家只能用英语交谈。比如你们将午饭时间定为English Time,届时大家可以一起用英语聊聊食堂饭菜、社团活动、听过的讲座、当前的时事新闻等。开始的时候你可能会不适应,经常出现表达停滞的状况,甚至会产生放弃的念头,但是如果坚持下去,你的口语就会有意想不到的效果。









第一,将汉语逐字翻译成英语。“Give you some color to see see”(给你点颜色看看)的“天才”表达确实弄晕过一大群老外;“One car come. One car go. Two car PENGPENG. One car die”的车祸现场笔录也着实让美国人领略了一把中国学生的“幽默”。但生活多数时候是严肃的,你得明白每种语言都有自己的规则,而且不同语言之间的差异极大。即便你把母语中的每一个字都准确地“翻译”成英语,老外也可能会不知所云。


如何避免上面所讲的两种“创造”?一方面,考生需多听英语母语人士如何用词和如何组织句子结构,听得多了,就能慢慢找到说英语的感觉。另一方面,在说英语时,我们不要用太复杂的句子结构,多用短句来表情达意,可借鉴“KISS原则”,即keep it short and simple。例如,如果你想表达“你完成生物作业了吗”,应避免用“Have you completed compiling the material for the biology assignment?”这样的书面表达,而可以使用“Finished your biology assignment?”这样口语化的表达。



例1:当你对一件事情的发生表示“怎么会这样”时,只需要掌握“How come + (subject + verb)”这个结构,如下所示。

How come you cannot make a decision?(你怎么能做不了决定?)

How come you always question me?(你怎么老质疑我?)

How come we never agree?(我们怎么永远达不成一致?)

例2:当你表示“如果什么情况发生,结果会怎样”时,只需掌握“What if + (subject + verb)”这个结构,如下所示。

What if someone sees me? (如果有人看见我怎么办?)

What if no one is home? (如果没人在家怎么办?)

What if it rains while we are camping?(我们露营时万一下雨了怎么办?)



例1:I’ve never met John Franklin, but his name rings a bell。

解析:句中的ring a bell跟“门铃响”毫无关系,它的意思是“听起来耳熟”,以后咱们也能酷酷地跟人说:“The name Oslo rings a bell, but I can’t remember where it is。”

例2:She arrived at the reception dressed to kill。

解析:句中的dressed to kill可不是“被打扮得杀气腾腾”的意思,而是指“穿着极为时尚出众以吸引眼球”。




有同学会有这样的疑问:文学作品可以帮助提高口语水平吗?回答是:“完全可以。”理由是,通过阅读文学作品,考生可以积累大量的习语。像《圣经》与莎士比亚作品中就含有大量的习语表达,比如由《圣经》而来的“eye for eye, tooth for tooth”(以眼还眼,以牙还牙)和“The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak”(心有余而力不足)便是来自于《圣经》;而习语“what’s done is done”(既往不咎)和“Truth will come to light”(真相将大白于天下)就来自于莎士比亚的喜剧作品《威尼斯商人》(The Merchant of Venice)。



























Do you agree with the following statement? When choosing friends, people should always choose those who have different interests from their own.你同意或不同意:选择朋友时,应该选择与自己兴趣不同的人做朋友。

I disagree with the statement that we should choose friends who have different interests from us. I prefer to have friends with similar interests, for many reasons.

First, friends with similar interests simply make life more fun. We tend to be drawn to people we share things with, be it a hobby, a shared cultural background or a shared career path. Good friends always enjoy the same type of activities — or at least are willing to participate in each other's interests. Some friends enjoy staying busy and are constantly on the go. Others enjoy quiet times at home, writing poetry, painting or reading a book. Without common interests, you have little to talk about or spend time doing.

Second, while friendship is full of compromise, it helps if you choose friends who share a lot of your interests. It makes deciding on stuff to do easier. You don't have to choose a friend who likes every single little thing you do, but it undoubtedly helps to have some shared interests.






Disagree. Should choose friends with similar interests. 不同意,应该选择兴趣类似的人做朋友 R1: friends with similar interest make life more fun 有相似兴趣的朋友只会让生活更有趣 R2: makes deciding on stuff to do easier 它使决定事情变得更容易。


career path 职业道路 on the go 在路上 忙个不停 compromise 妥协 危害 be drawn to…被…所吸引 undoubtedly 毫无疑问




Suppose your friend is very forgetful. He forgets names, the deadline for assignments and the time to take classes. What kind of suggestions would you offer to him?


建议类题目。针对这样的问题可以给出的建议如下:1. set an alarm for important things. For example, the classes, important appointments with professors or friends. 带来的积极影响就是不会再忘记重要的事情。2. keep a journal. record important things in details—who I met today, the name of my Psychology professor, the birthday of my roommate, homework of the day… 3. don’t stay up late—The culprit of brain malfunction—poor memory.


If my friend suffered a lot for poor memory, I have two suggestions for him. First, he should keep a journal. In this way, he can record important details in his daily life. For example, he can note down who he met today, what’s the name of his new professor or the deadline of assignments. Then by checking the journal regularly, he won’t miss anything important. Also, he shouldn't stay up late anymore, as it’s the culprit of brain malfunction, and will further cause poor memory. If he can have a sound sleep every night, he could gradually recover from the fatigue, and regain a good memory. These are the suggestions I give him.



Your friend is always late for group events, what suggestions do you have for him?


Main idea: suggestions for a friend who is always late for group events

Suggestion 1: If he has a hard time getting up, he needs to set his alarm earlier than regular time.

- sleep for a few more minutes

- wake up on time

Suggestion 2: If he lacks proper motivations, here are some other suggestions.

- keep a note and always remind himself

- put away all the thing that may distract him

- swear to his group members


Well, if he is always late cus he has a hard time to get off the bed in the morning, then I suggest that he set his alarm 30 minutes earlier than regular time. So if he feels like sleeping for a few more minutes, he'll still wake up on time. But if he just simply lacks the proper motivation, I advise him to keep a notepad handy and jot down what he would like to do the next day. In addition, before the group events, he needs to put away all the things that might distract him, like his mobile phone, computer games, etc. If it still doesn’t help. I suppose it’s nothing better for him to swear to his group members that he’ll never be late or he will pay them ¥5 for each minute he is late for the group events. I think in this way, his behavior and habits will be miraculously modified for the better.



Which of the following functions of smart phones most beneficial to students?

1)taking photos

2) listening to the music

3)recording lectures


In my point of view, listening to music is most beneficial to students when they use their smart phones. Because first, listening to the music is an effective way for students to relax themselves. It is the fact that nowadays students are quite busy with their schoolwork for nearly whole week. So in their limited spare time, many students tend to listen to some sweet music on their phones to release their stress from study, which allows them to forget their heavy study tasks for a little while. Besides, music can please almost everyone, but not all the students like taking photos and it’s unnecessary for most of them to record lectures with their smart phones.
