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机构:上海环球雅思 时间:2020-06-28 11:55:24 点击:466


环球教育教育,海归老师,因材施教,专项提分,全程监管,线上线下混合教学环球教育教育 雅思通关,先试听后交费,不过免费重学。环球教育_1对1价格合理-效果好,8人班费用少-效率高,免费学前测评,享个性化专属学习方案。环球教育学校—环球教育训北京环球雅思辅导一对一,环球教育是中国大的出国留学语言培训机构。



怎样能够又学到地道的雅思口语搭配,又不用叫苦不迭地大费周章呢不呢?环球教育雅思频道现在为大家推出系列连载,通过对美国好莱坞大明星的访谈,积累地道搭配和例句!首先给大家送上的连载1-Robert Downey Jr的访谈。

喜欢好莱坞大片的小伙伴们想必都认识帅气潇洒的小罗伯特唐尼吧!雅思口语中遇到描述人的这次墨尔本文波雅思为大家总结了IMDB对Robert Downey Jr关于《钢铁侠3》进行的一次采访中最精彩的口语表达及高分词汇,以便大家在雅思口语考试中,特别是Part2部分灵活运用。

can you clear something up for me? 帮我解开一些困惑

Extremely agitated 极度焦虑不安

He peered through dimensions and saw things that others had only speculated at the mild possibility.



As a matter of fact, they said, anyone who believed in the stuff he saw was a conspiracy theorist.


(精彩的复合句,As a matter of fact是很好的论述开头)

So, everything that has grounded him in what he thought wasn’t wasn’t real is changed.


(又一个漂亮的复合句,ground someone in sth 让某人坚信某事;连用两个wasn’t在口语中表示强调,更加自然生动)

Well, I mean…You know, at this level, I think it just demonstrates that you’re hungry, and you’re willing to do what’s required of the major investment they have in this product.

(连用三个filler words加一个提前状语at this level来赚取思考时间;在谈论描述自己的话题和观点时建议大家学习钢铁侠常用第二人称you来代指自己,会给考官一种换位思考和感同身受的感觉,更加生动)

I could tell you that interestingly enough, more than any other time I’ve ever been promoting any movie, iron man 3, everyone kinda has the same reaction to the movie. They’re very pleased and they’re very happy that it’s kind of clever and it defies expectation.

(连续两个漂亮的提前状语修饰,interestingly enough配上more than any other time I’ve been doing sth,引发听者兴趣;kinda口语中kind of连读;pleased和happy连用,口语中适当的重复强调会让你的故事更生动;defy expectation超出了预期,使用得非常地道)

inquisitive into sth非常好奇某事



雅思写作高分句型重中之重 5大强调句实例




1. 对动词进行强调(do\does\did + V)

Sitting infront of the screen does damage the eye and physical posture ofchildren.

Some people dobelieve that the overuse of chemicals (e.g. Fertilizers and pesticides) dopose a threat to the well-being of local people.

2. 双重否定可表强调

We cannot denythat receiving the distance education is never without drawbacks.

It is notunrealistic for the government to reduce the amount of waste.

3. 比较状语可表强调

Nothing is more important than to develop the children’s ability of learning on theirown.

Students wouldhave greater capability to deal with their academic life than thosewho do not have the gap year spent in working or travelling.

Nothing is moreimperative than to learn from the past.

4. what引导的主从可表强调

What is relatedto the economic collapse is the failure of the government’spolicies.

What really matters iscooperation.

5. 强调句型可表强调

It is/was + 被强调的成分+ that/who, 所强调的可以是单词、短语,也可以是从句,但必须保证其结构完整。被强调的成分可以是主语、表语、宾语、同位语、状语等,但不能是定语或谓语。

It is thegovernment that should shoulder the responsibility toprotect the endangered species.(对主语强调)

It is teacherswho are competent to instruct their students to be a goodsocial member.(对主语强调)

It is throughjob training that the young unemployed would have theopportunity to get jobs again.(对状语强调)

It is the largecompany which the public think polluting the watersupply.(对宾语进行强调)

注:强调句中的时态要根据原句的时态而定。即原句为过去某种时态,则强调句中的be就用过去时;原句为现在的某种时态,强调句中就用be的现在时态。有时还可以用It mightbe/must have been/can’t be…that等句式。


It is becausepeople are stuck in the traffic that they spendlonger time in travelling.

It might be thelack of guidance of parents that leads to the going astray of youngpeople.

强调句的判断:强调句型可以通过“还原法”来进行判断,若删除强调句型结构后,句子能还原为一个完整的句子,就是强调句。强调句可以看作是用固定的表达-It is/was…that(which, who, whom, where, when)…, 将句子的某个成分(除了谓语)进行重点强调。但是,去掉这个固定的句型部分,句子本身并无任何变化。
