
机构:龙文教育 时间:2020-11-13 点击:554


  • 龙文教育中小学高中补习






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  • 龙文教育中小学高中补习教学环境
  • 龙文教育中小学高中补习教学环境



  • 龙文教育







1.we always admire those heroes.they can guide us in life.the hero in my heart is Michael Phelps.he is really great.we all know that he got 8 gold medals in the 2008 olympics.but maybe you don't how hard he trained before it.he said"i know no one trains harder than me."when his childhood didn't go well,he was always cheated by his classmates for his big ears and long arms.but he faced the difficulty heard on,that is the reason why that he could success today.so i really admire him,i learnt a lot from him.so i will study very hard from now on.译文:我们总是羡慕那些英雄们,他们可以引导我们,在我心目中的英雄是迈克尔菲尔普斯.他真的很棒.我们都知道他在2008奥利匹克运动会中获得了8枚金牌。但是也许你不他如何努力训练之前,他说:“我知道没有人比我更努力地训练。”的时候,他的童年并不顺利,同学们总是欺骗他他用他的大耳朵和长身他面临的困难,这就是为什么他能有今天的成功。所以我真的很佩服他,我从中学到了很多,所以我会从现在开始努力学习。2.Throughout the whole world, David Beckham is my most admire person. Not only because I like football, but also have I been moved by his spirit.We all know that in the year 1998, Beckham has become a sinner in the World Cup. The red card nearly ended his sports career. But his spirit is so strong that nothing can stop him.After his great effort, e has finally succeeded. He has become one of the most famous football players, which makes me admire him so much.From a sinner to a hero, he suffers from so much pain. I need to learn from him.译文:在全世界,大卫贝克汉姆是我最敬佩的人。不仅因为我喜欢足球,而且还被他的精神感动了。我们都知道,在1998年,贝克汉姆已经成为世界杯的罪人。红卡几乎结束了他的体育生涯。但他的精神是如此强烈,没有什么能阻止他。经过他极大的努力,终于成功了。他已经成为最著名的足球运动员之一,这让我很佩服他。从一个罪人到一个英雄,他遭受了这么多的痛苦。我需要向他学习。3.In our daily life, we are affected by the famous movie stars, popular singers and successful athletes everywhere. These images appear on the package of products, billboards and TV commercial ads, in a word, we contact with the celebrities all the time. People admire the celebrity’s success, they adore them, want to be one of them, sometimes they overreact on the process of pursuing stars.在日常生活中,我们无处不受到著名电影明星,流行歌手和成功的运动员的影响。他们的形象出现在商品的包装,广告牌和电视商业广告上,总的来说,我们每天都接触到名人。人们钦佩名人的成功,他们崇拜名人,想要成为他们一样的人,有时候人们在追星的道路上反映过度。The negative effect of celebrity worship is that the fans will get mental and physical problem. Because of the fast development of technology, many stars present perfect outlooks on the TV, actually, even their beautiful pictures are being revised. What fans see is the fake phenomenon, they want to look perfect as their idols, so they take all the costs to look like the stars. When they realize there is no way can do this, they will break down, getting hurt mentally and physically.名人崇拜的消极影响是粉丝会受到思想和身体上的伤害。由于科技的快速发展,很多明星在电视上呈现出完美的面容,实际上,即使关于他们好看的图片也是经过修改的。粉丝所看到的是假象,他们想要看起来像偶像一样完美,因此他们不惜一切代价让自己看起来像偶像。当他们意识到不可能达到这样的效果时,大受打击,身心受创。Some crazy fans like to college all the things about their idols. No matter what it is, as long as it is about the stars, fans will buy it, even to compete for it. What’s more, the things they college is useless, they just waste money on it. Such behavior should be criticized, the fans should put the money on the meaningful thing.一些疯狂的粉丝喜欢收集所有关于偶像的东西。无论是什么,只要和偶像有关的,他们就买,即使为此去竞争。而且,他们收集的东西是没有用处的,浪费钱在上面。这样的行为应该受到批评,粉丝应该把钱花在有意义的事情上。Anyway, celebrity worship should be wise, people must clear out what they should do and what should not do.无论如何,崇拜名人要明智,人们必须清楚什么该做和什么不该做。



  • 以学习者为中心,6对1个性化服务模式,根据以学生学习为中心的服务理念,龙文教育在业内率先提出并实践了6对1个性化服务模式,为每一个学生提供全方位的个性化教学辅导服务,包括:1.专业教育咨询师职责:学科检测,个性化制定学业规划和辅导计划,服务宣言:只要为孩子做好学业规划,找到合适的老师,有针对性地教学,每个孩子都能变得更优秀!2. 资深学科教师,职责:课前:针对性备课磨课,阶段性调整教案;课中:多元互动精讲,学考结合提升成绩;课后:随时答疑解惑,全程陪伴教学服务宣言:我给孩子上课的背后是龙文教育整个强大的教研团队都在为了孩子的分数而奋斗!3. 学习管理师,职责:学情跟踪反馈,教学报告解读,定时召开家长会,服务宣言:有问题就找我,随叫随到是我的性格!

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都是时间状语从句的引导词,区别是when 表示“什么时候”,whenever表示无论何时,不管什么时候。when无任意性,而whenever 有任意性。when可用作疑问副词,用来询问某事曾发生或将要发生的时间,引导特殊疑问句,还可用作关系副词引导限制性定语从句、非限制性定语从句和表语从句。


when用作疑问副词,引导特殊疑问句。例如:When will you come to see me?你什么时候要来看我?When are they going to visit the Great Wall?他们打算什么时候去游览长城?用作连接副词,通常用来引导主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句、宾语从句及起名词作用的“ when+动词不定式”结构。例如:When he comes is not known.他何时来还不知道。The morning is when I am busiest.早上是我最忙的时候。I have no idea when the game will begin.我不知道比赛何时开始。I don't know when the plane takes off.我不知道飞机何时起飞。I don't know when to leave for London.我不知道该在何时动身去伦敦。用作关系副词,引导限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句.例如:Do you still remember the days when we stayed in America?你还记得我们呆在美国的那些日子吗?The day will come soon when the Chinese astronauts will go to the moon.中国宇航员登上月球的那一天很快就要到来了。It happened ten years ago,when I was a child.事情发生在十年前,当时我还是个小孩子。We will go to the countryside at the beginning of June,when the summer harvest will start.我们将在六月初下乡,那时夏收就要开始了。